Friday, July 1, 2011

A lot has been happening...

So recently, a lot has happened. My poetry collection, the fierce crackle of fragile wings, was published by Six Gallery Press, and is available for purchase here. The had some nice things to say about it here (a big thank you to Zack Kopp).

Also, as of yesterday, my hyperfiction project, Salt Creek Anthology, was published by the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography (CCLaP), something I'm very proud of and excited about.

And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Jason Behrends for his very kind words and his promotion of both the fierce crackle of fragile wings and Salt Creek Anthology on his most excellent Orange Alert Podcast! Thank you Jason!

Poof is Here!

Poof is here! This is a small collection of poetry (45 pages); the poems are cohesive and tell the story of Diggory, a 13 year old who strug...